Follow my blog with Bloglovin Rita Wanderlust: Heather Lake

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Heather Lake

Heather Lake
The beautiful panoramic view of Heather Lake.
Have you ever felt like you were being followed? I have never felt this during a hike, therefore, I must share! The majority of my way down the mountain, I felt like there was someone (or something) behind me. Eerie, right? Of course there was nothing there, and the feeling went away every time there were groups of people around. Oddly enough, that didn't comfort me. Oh well, the feeling went away about 3/4 of the way down. 

My shoes by the top of the hike.
Thank goodness for waterproof
This was my first solo hike. No dogs. No friends. No music. Just me and nature. Of course, this also left me to come up with at least 15 ways I could die on this hike. The most entertaining one was probably slip on one of the rocks and somehow impale myself with a broken tree. There are certainly more realistic ways to die for a girl with absolutely no wilderness survival skills that she didn't pick up from watching a few episodes of Bear Grylls on Man vs. Wild. Somehow I managed not to die, I didn't even fall. Had a few close calls and the snow did swallow my foot up once. But, it wouldn't be me if the hike went swimmingly. I did manage to get turned around. "I really should start using a compass" I thought as I was retracing my steps after going the wrong way for 10 minutes.
Heather Lake

Lastly, Granite Falls is not a pretty town. That was just a random thought I had driving down the one major street they had.

Go check out the rest of my photos from Heather Lake here.

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